Meet Nathan, the mind behind Libra Photographic
Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about what makes me tick. This is the page where I’ll tell you a little about myself, the only page on this site about me!
To state the obvious, Photography has always been my passion, I remember the first time I picked up my mum’s Kodak Instamatic camera and put a film through it in the ’70s (I was young) and my first experience with the wonder of the darkroom process, to say I was addicted from the start is an understatement. Since leaving university, last century! I have been a full-time photographer not always for weddings but definitely for people. I love people-watching and I’ve made the observation of human nature my career. Can you believe more photos are now taken daily than in the whole of the last century? that is an exciting fact in my eyes, so many people want to join me in my passion for photography.
Other than photography
I love …..
My Family, Most of all my world is full of laughter with my three beautiful children. I live to hear their stories and I am immensely proud of the human beings they are turning into. My eldest daughter scaled Snowdon at age four without me carrying her! My middle child conquered Scafell Pike in the middle of a storm and faced 60mph winds on the summit. My youngest is my son, I can’t wait to meet the man he will become, music is definitely in his blood. All three are absolutely crazy and I’m nuts about them.
To Run, Just putting on a pair of trainers and going outside is such a great way to clear the mind. I’ve enjoyed running the Bournemouth Half Marathon, Bournemouth Bay Run, and the Great South Run as well as being a Keen Park runner. I enjoy running far more than my body does!
To Listen to Music, I am a self-confessed vinyl addict. I love to listen to all forms of music but you can’t beat the analogue sound of a record. Ask me what is my favourite and I can’t answer because it really depends on mood, weather, etc. I’ll listen to anything from classical to metal and dance if it’s well orchestrated.
Food! Unfortunately, I love food a little too much! Cooking is a passionate hobby and I love to share it with friends and family. During the pandemic, I really got into discovering new recipes and techniques. I’d love to be able to put my food together like the pro chefs but it’s harder than it looks! I find Foraging and growing my own food is the best way to discover true flavours.
The Outdoors, You’ll find me outdoors on my bike, Sup, climbing, walking, foraging, camping, pretty much anything that nature can through at me. I sailed competitively for 20 years on several yachts, saw dolphins, box jellyfish and won trophies. Mountain biking has been with me since school, getting muddy on a bike is brilliant!
Movies, don’t we all? I have to admit I’m a sci-fi person. Interstellar is my all-time favourite movie and Marvel films, every single one. I do love a good Netflix binge too.
My Life Motto…
Create more than I consume
Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life
Having your memories recorded by me will always be fun, I pride myself on getting people to relax; pressing the button is easy.
If you’d like to find out what I can offer you please get in contact, I don’t bite, I may even make you laugh…you just never know!